The Stories of Leslie Schmidt

My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place.

Story codes: Mg, Mgg, mg, Fg.


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A fellow is watching his girlfriend’s six year old when she calls him into her room. So, who’s molesting whom?

Angel Lips:

One of the ‘Angel’ series. Jenny learns that her mouth is for more than eating lunch.

Angel's Toy:

Jenny discovers a new toy to play with.

Baby Oil:

There’s lots of fun stuff to be found on the changing table!

Bath Time:

Doesn't everyone have pictures or videos of their little ones in the bath? Part 1 of 2.

Part 2

Bed Warmer:

A robber baron’s manservant leaves his master a nice surprise in his bedchamber.

Billy's Story:

A young man and his best friend are discovered enjoying some videos by his little sister. Then they convince her to make a solo movie of her own.

Prequel to 'Doyle's Story'


One of the ‘Angel’ series. Camping in a tent on a snowy night can really be kind of fun.

Client too Young:

One of the “Child Sex Therapist” stories. Our friend takes on a client that he really shouldn’t. Then, sometime later, he looses his professionalism when he meets her at the mall. Part 1 of 4.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4


The Brothers Grimm never had it so good!

Cute Pussy:

A fellow discovers that his friend likes to share a lot more than a few brews.

Daddy-Daughter Nightclub:

A special place for daddy-daughter dates.


A little girl’s diary about her first boyfriend.

Disney Nights:

A trip to Disney World with the ‘Angel’.

Doyle's Story:

Doyle is asked to watch Billy’s little sister while Billy is at football practice. They watch some videos too.

Sequel to ‘Billy’s Story’. In order to fully enjoy this story, you should read 'Billy's Story' first.

First Kill:

Mystical creatures of the forest can be a real danger to unsuspecting woodsmen. (Not my usual lighthearted fare).

The Girl from DR:

Helping out an undocumented immigrant yields an unexpected reward.

Lethal Lolita:

There’s a lot more to this little girl than some guys expect—and they end up regretting it, for a very short time. Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

Lethal Lolita Revisited:

Another encounter with Megan Massy—this time with a happy ending.

Los Angeles Thanksgiving:

Sequel to ‘Wisconsin Summer’ In order to fully enjoy this story, you should read 'Wisconsin Summer' first.

Loving Sarah:

Uncle Ted has a special relationship with his niece.

Morning Lesson:

The first of the “Child Sex Therapist” stories. A regular morning for our friend with the best job in the world. (This is an update of 'Afternoon Lesson' with some consistancy errors corrected.)

My Angel:

The first in the ‘Angel’ series.

My Brother's Child:

A fellow discovers that he and his brother have a lot in common.

My Sweetheart:

Another of the ‘Angel’ series.

Night Storms:

What could improve on a life spent bumming around the Caribbean on a sailboat? Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

On the Interactions Between Teens and Tweens:

An, ahhh, scholarly article (?).

Onboard the Daisy:

Set in 1773 and 1774, these two letters between two young gentlemen tells the story of why one is being sent to India by his father and how his friend helps in a difficult situation. I was inspired by the first truely erotic English novel, "Fanny Hill", published in 1749 by John Cleland. The idea of writing in the 18th Century style was a challenge I couldn't pass up.
(This is my personal favorite of all my stories)

Pedophile's Dream-Prolog:

Prolog to an entire series. The title says it all. Nine parts.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Epilogue

Pick Pocket:

Beware of pick pockets on the Rome underground.

Princess Hands:

Our 'Angel' learns something new.


Primitive cultures have some different ceremonies.

Roller Coaster Ride:

A co-worker asks a buddy to watch his ten year old for a few days. Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

Seven Year Old Nympho:

Not too hard to figure out. This was my first story. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2


Don't you love to cuddle like spoons? In two episodes, set years apart. Part 1 of 2

Part 2:

Sri Lanken Lover:

An American businessman working in Colombo rescues a street urchin. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2

Stories of the Child Bride One:

In the future, marriage customs may be different.

Stories of the Child Bride Two:

In the past, marriage customs were different.

Subic Bay Memories:

The Navy--It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

Summer Musings:

An 'Angel' story. Jenny has grown up quite a bit--but not too much.

Tales for Rm 102:

What you'll see with hidden cameras.

Teaching Sadie to Jerk Off:

A sheltered child needs to learn some things about herself.

The Dream:

He thought it was just a great dream, until he woke up!

The Making of Night Storms:

They decided to make 'Night Storms' into a movie. Part 1 of 7.

Personally, I think this is my hottest story.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

The Mask:

There's sometimes magic in those Marde Gras masks.

The Model:

A catalog photographer has a lot of fun when one of his clients has to stay over for the night.

The Orphanage:

Back in medieval times some monasteries and convents became quite independent.


Mommy leaves her little girl with her cousin.

Uncle Brian:

A girl helps out with her Daddy's business plans.

While Her Mom was Out:

A couple of truck drivers share.

White Stuff:

Fun on a hunting lease. One of my earliest stories.

Wisconsin Summer:

A teenager isn't too happy with the plans to spend the summer away from the coast in the heartland--until he meets his little cousin.

Prequel to 'Los Angeles Thanksgiving'

This story is a sequel to "Wisconsin Summer." It is, of course, pure fantasy. Although the stories are set in real places, the authors connections to those places is tenuous at best. The Internet can provide a wealth of info for authors wanting to write stories about places they really don't know.

The last scene in the story is a change for me, I guess my imagination just got the best of me and I went a bit off target for the characters. I was also having trouble keeping my hands on the keyboard while writing it. Tell me if you don't like the change.

Los Angeles Thanksgiving

Mom and I waited outside security at LAX. A constant flow of travelers came down the long passageway, through the narrowing at the security checkpoint, then, most were met by family or friends. People shook hands, others hugged, most were happy their journey was over and they were with friends again.

Doreen is tall, Mom waved down the hall and Dora waved back I lifted up on tiptoes to see the top of Margo's head. Through a gap, we saw each other, my stomach was twisted. They came through the gates, Mom and her sister hugged, Margo walked up to me, looking shy.

She had cut her hair. Now it was quite short, not quite reaching her shoulders. She now had bangs, a straight line across her forehead just above her eyebrows. She was wearing a blue and green turtle- neck sweater and jeans. She was carrying a yellow parka. I walked up to her, "You're not going to need that here."

She didn't answer, just looked up at me, lips pursed, eyes wide, she looked nervous. I smiled at her as my heart melted. I reached out and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, they felt so comfortable, so familiar. I felt her arms go up my back, I felt her lean against me. I cradled her head against my chest.

"Come on you two, your blocking traffic," Mom called.

We held hands and walked away from the checkpoint.

I don't remember much about waiting for the baggage or the shuttle bus ride to the satellite parking. All I really remember was when Mom pulled off Century Blvd into a gas station. When Mom and Doreen went into the mini mart, Margo grabbed my collar and pulled me. Next, we were kissing, our tongues wrapped around each other. We lost track of time until the doors opened and our parents got in. We broke apart.

Mom looked at Doreen, "Do you think we're going to need a bucket of water?"

We held hands as the van made its way south on the 405. Twice we hit backups and slowed to a stop, then moved forward. South on Beach Blvd. and, after some turns on local streets, to the apartment building on Olive Street.

"Wow, a pool at your door," Margo said when she saw the courtyard.

"Yeah, and two blocks from the ocean."

"Oh God! Can we go? I've never seen it."

I had put the bags down in the living room. "Mom, I'm going to take Margo down to the pier."

"Sure Hon. Put the bags in your brother's room." Margo helped me.

When she got into the room, she said, "Do I need this sweater? It seems kind of warm outside."

It was right around 70. "Not really, but it will be cooler down at the water."

Margo pulled her sweater off over her head, then turned and faced me, smiling shyly. She was wearing a training bra and jeans now, I caught my breath. I stepped to her and wrapped my arms around her. We kissed, the most sensual kiss of a lifetime, it seemed to last for an hour.

"God, I've missed you," she said.

Doreen cleared her throat from the doorway, "Now look, you two. At least keep your clothes on for a little while."

Margo giggled while I blushed, "I was just changing out of that heavy sweater, Mom." She started opening her suitcase.

"When you're done, you might as well put it in his room. That's where you'll be, err, sleeping." Doreen turned and left.

Margo pulled on a red tee shirt.

"You may want a wind breaker, if you have one."

She pulled out a black windbreaker with an orange collar and cuffs, an orange, white and black stripe ran down the sleeves. On the front was a tiger jumping over a large M, on the back "Marshfield." "That's one I've never seen here in LA. Ya know, we have the same colors, orange and black. We're the Oilers, though, not the Tigers."

With a smile, she pushed by me carrying her suitcase, then turned down the hall and into my room. "Marshfield Tigers kick ass."

I followed her. In my room, she looked around, studying the Evanessence poster, then stopping to look at the pile of surfboards on the top bunk.

"How many do you have?" she asked.

"Four, right now. Two Moblys, a Becker, and a Softtop. If you want to try it, that's the one you'll use, it's a good beginner board. It's also a small one."

"Will you teach me to surf, that would be cool!"

"If you hang around me, you will learn to surf." We walked hand-in-hand the two blocks to Pacific Coast Highway. "This traffic's worse than Chicago," Margo said.

"Oh yeah."

"The waves are huge."

I studied them for a moment while waiting for the light. Six or eight foot, a little closer together than I like. Fair conditions.

"This is about average," I said. "In the summer, their smaller, it's in the winter that we get the really big ones-twelve to fourteen feet. When they're that big, the life guards close the beach."

We got the walk signal and crossed, then made our way past the parked cars and into the sand.

"It smells a lot different from our lakes," Margo said.

"That's the kelp."

When we got to the water's edge, I pointed out a long section of the seaweed, a thick brown strand with spiny leaves. Each leaf had a small sack at its base. I picked one up and squeezed it. Margo was surprised by the "pop" as the air sack ruptured. "They have these little air sacks to make them float."

Margo took the slimy leaf, "cool."

We walked down the beach toward the pier. Margo stopped and took off her shoes, so did I. The sand was still warm from the sun, when the water washed up over our feet Margo danced and laughed, running up out of the way.

"It's so cold!" she laughed.

I guessed it to be around 60, normal for this time of year.

"The water's always cool here," I said. "The current brings it down from Alaska." We reached the stairs up to the pier and started the climb. When we reached the top, we went out, I had my arm around her.

I had thought about this moment and had decided what I would do, I was just a little surprised how soon it came and with whom. I know my face blanched when we came face to face with my old girl friend, Debbie.

She spoke first, "Hi Mike."

"Hi." I kept my arm around Margo, even pulled her a little closer. "Nice to be out of school for a week, huh?"

"Yeah, I plan to do some diving."

"Cool. Uh, Debbie, this is Margo, my cousin from Wisconsin. She's here for Thanksgiving."

"Oh!" Deb said. "You're the girl he spent the summer with."

"Hi," Margo said.

"I hope you like LA. Mike said he had a great time in-Wisconsin? Right?"


"Well, welcome to California." Debbie paused and smiled, a true smile, not laughing. "I'm on my way home. She ya."

"Bye," Margo said.

"Have a happy turkey day," I said.

We continued down the pier. "She's your old girlfriend, isn't she?"


"Seems nice," Margo said.

"She's alright."

We continued in silence for about 25 feet.

"What did you tell her about me?"

"I told her I had a great time with my cousin. That you taught me how to ride a horse and that we saw Chicago together."

"Did you tell"

"That's nobodies business."

We kept walking a little further, then in a small voice, "thank you."

When we reached the end of the pier, Margo looked out across the ocean, "Is that an island?"

"Santa Catalina, it's about 40 miles from here."

"Does anyone live on it?"

"Most of it is a park, there is a small city named Avalon. I've been out there a couple of times." I searched the horizon to the left. "Look, if you look really carefully, you'll see another island, it's kind of low."

Megan stared, following where I was pointing. "Oh, yeah."

"That's San Clemente. The Navy owns it. They use it as a bombing range."


The sun was getting low, it would be setting behind Santa Catalina. The sky was beginning to turn a rose color. The sun in Megan's face made her look even more beautiful. With a sudden rush of love, I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed-the most romantic kiss I had ever had. She melted against me, I felt her breath and tasted her lips and mouth. I put my hand on the side of her head, pushing my fingers through her hair, I felt Megan sigh.

We broke apart. "God, I love you, Mike."

"I love you too, more than I thought I could love anyone."

We were silent for a minute, then she turned her back to me, I cradled her with my arms around her and we watched the ocean. A flight of pelicans, six of them, moved along the surface, inches above the water and only inches between their wingtips. As the line went up and down the waves, it bent with the shape of the water. After what seemed like an impossibly long glide, the lead climbed a foot. All the other's followed, then they flapped five or six times before gliding back down. They disappeared down the beach.

We walked back up the pier, holding hands. I bought a coke and we shared it as we headed home. The spell was broken when we reached PCH and had to run to avoid traffic. When we got home, I could smell the Lasagna in the oven and Mom was putting together garlic bread.

"Hon, would you make a salad?"

"Sure, Mom."

The dinner table conversation dealt mostly with the plans for the week. Mom had to work Monday and Tuesday, but would have the rest of the time off. It was decided that we would go the Disneyland the next day (Sunday), then Megan and I could spend the next two days on the beach. My brother, Steve, would be home from Sacramento on Tuesday night.

After dinner, Megan and I did the dishes, then went back down to the beach. It was dark and the temperature had dropped into the low 60's. The pier was lit up and a band was playing out near the end. We stayed on the beach, sitting in the sand on a blanket and listened to the music and the sound of the breakers. We talked about our schools and our teachers. I guess teachers are pretty much the same everywhere. She said her math teacher was crazy and the orchestra teacher (she was learning the cello) was a total bitch. As for me, I really liked my English teacher but didn't get along well with my coach in PE. He was the offensive coordinator and, because I didn't play football, I didn't count. Also, he didn't like surfers. (I once observed to him that Huntington Beach was the wrong place for someone who didn't like surfers and he ought to go back to Ohio or whatever. I was told to "park my kester" in the bleachers.)

I was sitting to her right, with my arm behind her. Megan was leaning back on it and my shoulder. I turned my head and nuzzled her hair, then we kissed. We lay back, Megan on her back, me half on top of her. Our tongues met and I lost track of time.

As we kissed, Megan pushed one of her legs under me, she had to have been able to feel my hard-on through my baggy pants and her jeans. She moved a little, just pushing her thigh against me, letting me know that she wanted to take up where we had been four months earlier. I moved my hand up to her chest, she had her windbreaker open, and felt the nickel size cone of her nipple. She let out a slow sigh. She wasn't wearing a bra (she must have taken it off in the bathroom before we left). She pushed more against me.

I broke our kiss and looked at her. "Go ahead," she said.

I leaned down again and we kissed again as I moved my hand down to the hem of her shirt, then back up under it to her nipple. As I moved my fingers, gently squeezing and rubbing her right nipple, she groaned quietly.

Next I felt her move her hand from my back, around my side, then start to push between us. I lifted slightly to accommodate her and her hand slid under the waist band of my pants and my briefs. She wrapped her hand around my tool, enveloping the head in her palm, wrapping her fingers around the shaft.

I lost all control and started to hump against her, she only gently pulled on my dick twice before I unloaded a rush of sperm into her hand, groaning.

Megan cracked up, laughing loudly. "God! I guess you've missed me," she laughed.

"Ohhhh.....I'm sorry," I panted.

Megan pulled her hand out from between us and inspected it in the dark, opening it and closing it, she really couldn't have seen it. "Wow, that's a lot," then, "You must be a real mess there," as she wiped her hand and wrist on the blanket. I rolled onto my back and pushed my hand down into my pants, trying to reposition myself. My stomach and crotch were slimy with cum. I also wiped my hand on the blanket.

Megan climbed on top of me, pushing her thigh between my legs and putting her elbows just above my collarbones. She kissed me. "Ya know, we don't have to worry about those stupid rubber thingies any more."

That got my interest. "Why?"

"About two weeks ago Mom took me to a clinic in Eu Claire. God, they talked for ever, but then they gave me a shot and now I can't get prego-at least not this month."

"Oh." I was dumbfounded. How cool could Darleen be? Then again, I connected, that's why I hadn't gotten any lectures from my mother.

Megan leaned down and kissed me again, a really sexy kiss. "I want a coke."

We got up and rolled up the blanket, walking back towards PCH. The goo in my crotch was a little cool and I was beginning to itch. Under a streetlamp I looked down, a wet stain was spread along the waist band of my pants. I pulled my shirt down to cover it.

Megan giggled at me, "Everyone's going to know about us."

She had a diet Dr. Pepper while I had a Dew. We walked home.

When we got home, I was really looking forward to a shower, I was itching uncomfortably. I was in for a shock when I walked through the door. Mom was standing in the kitchen, looking at herself in the mirror over the sink. She was dressed in very short dress. It hand cowl sleeves and was green velour. She had on black high heel sandals. Her hair was in tight curls and she had on a gold chain necklace which matched the ankle bracelet. She was just finishing putting lipstick on.

"Darleen wants to see Hollywood Boulevard." She opened her purse and pulled out a ten. "If you want, go down to Blockbuster and get a DVD."

At that moment, Darleen came down the hall. She was also dressed to the nines and very sexy. "We're going out, dear," she said to Megan. "Don't wait up."

They both headed for the door, then Mom said, "Mike. Get those surf boards down and make your top bunk for Megan."

The door closed and we looked at each other. "Do you want to get a movie?" she asked.

"Yeah. First, I need a shower."

Megan giggled as I headed down the hall.

My shorts were still damp and I was glad to get out of them. I started the shower and stepped in, closing the sliding glass door.

I was just getting wetted down when the door to the bathroom opened and Megan came in. She looked at me but didn't say a word. She stepped on the heel of one of her shoes and slipped out of it, then the other. Next she bent over and pulled one of her socks off, then the other. She stood up and faced me through the glass, looking intently straight into my eyes. She undid her belt, then the button on her jeans, then she unzipped the fly. Without ever breaking eye contact, she worked her pants down over her hips, then pushed them down and stepped out of them. Now she was wearing a red Badgers tee shirt and sky blue panties. She crossed her arms and grasped the hem of her shirt and, again without looking away, started pulling it up. First her navel, then her ribs, she pulled the shirt up over her head uncovering her flat chest. Her nipples had grown in diameter, she had no tan lines. She pulled the shirt free and dropped it, putting her hands at her side, she still looked at me with the same blank expression. Next she hooked her thumbs on the sides of her panties and worked them down, then dropped them to her feet. Now she was totally naked in front of me and she was a hundred times sexier than I had remembered.

Her hair barely reached her shoulders, the straight bangs made her forehead broad. Her brown eyes stared out under long eyelashes. Her nose is smallish and turns up slightly, her mouth is wide and lips full. She has a small chin. Her shoulders are just a little wider than normal. There was just the earliest swelling under her nipples, dark areoles with pea size nipples. Her stomach is flat and muscular below the ridges of her ribs. Her navel is a well formed oval above her white tummy. Her thighs are muscular, with some muscle definition, and where they meet her sex swells out slightly, a small rise half bisected by her slit. There was no hair to spoil the beauty, perfectly clean. The hood over her clit pushed out slightly between the lips.

She took my breath away, there was a dull ache behind my nuts.

She pulled the door open and stepped in under the shower, her hair now streaming with the water and sticking to her forehead and neck. She looked up at me, still a blank expression on her face. I wrapped my arms around her, my cock hard between us. We kissed. Then she broke the kiss and stepping back slightly, wrapped her hands around my dick. She leaned forward and kissed me just at the top of my solar plexus, where her mouth would normally hit me. Then she kissed me at the bottom of my solar plexus, then she leaned down and kissed me just above my navel, then she bent further and kissed the end of my penis. My knees were weak as she bent over further and took me into her mouth, enveloping my head and sucking gently.

I reached down and gently lifted her head to kiss her again. My cock poked her just above the navel and she giggled, then looked around. "This is an awfully big tub, can we take a bath?"

The tub is a large "garden" tub, elliptical and deep, but there are no water jets, it's not a whirlpool. I turned around and closed the drain, then turned the diverter, the shower stopped and water splashed at our feet.

Megan sat down at my feet, her knees up, and leaned back. I had a wonderful view of her bald pussy, the lips pulled apart, her clit and the open inner lips. "Hey, get down her." She said.

I knelt down between her thighs, then leaned down. Megan got the idea and slid up, but there was just not enough room. She lifted up and sat on the edge of the tub and I was able to bury my face in her gorgeous preteen snatch. The water from the spout was spraying on my ass, running down my crack, over my asshole and down my balls. I licked up and down Megan's slit and she lifted her butt off the ledge slightly to give me better access. The water was rising, it was halfway up my thighs, as my ten- year-old lover started to pant and groan with my oral assault on her cunt. I pushed my tongue into her vagina and she moaned, then I licked her clit, moving my tongue in circles around it, and she came, grunting and pushing herself against my face. She must have been really turned on because I took only a minute or two before she climaxed.

I rocked back, then sat down, reaching behind me to turn off the water. My dick stuck up out of the water. Megan stood up, straddling my legs, then shuffled forward and squatted down. She reached between her legs and guided my cock to her waiting pussy, the lips pulled apart. She lowered herself on my head and, at first, it only entered her a little.

"It's been a long time, I'm a little tight," she said.

She raised and lowered herself a couple of times, then bore down and my shaft slid deep into her hairless cunt. She froze, looking at me. We both held very still for several seconds, then Margo slowly blew out her breath and, closing her eyes, lifted up, then lowered herself. The feeling of her soft, smooth ten-year-old pussy was beyond description and all I could do was lay back and get lost in the sensation as I watched my cock sliding in and out between her little-girl cunt lips. Margo leaned forward, embracing me and we kissed deeply, fully coupled, fully one.

She came up for breath, sitting up. Then, with a grin, she took some liquid soap and squirted it on my chest, then leaned back against me. Now it was our entire bodies making love. Everywhere we touched became an erogenous zone as we slid against each other. I could feel her hard nipples moving along my chest, our bellies sliding against each other, my cock sliding inside her. With the soap, I ran my hands along her back, massaging the supple muscles under her smooth skin.

With a mutual groan we both climaxed. I pumped her preteen womb full of sperm as her vagina shivered with orgasm. The crescendo seemed to last forever as we rocked each other.

"OHhhh,...God," she called as she convulsed, arching her back and throwing her head back. The muscles on the inside of my thighs cramped as it seemed every possible bit of energy in my body was concentrated on shooting my ejaculate inside my lover. I stopped breathing and felt dizzy as we sank down in release, both panting, both exhausted.

We lay, still coupled, in the warm water for several minutes until we came to. I kissed her ear and she kissed my neck. "You're wonderful," I said. "I love you so much," she responded.

We spent the next half an hour playing in the tub. I ran more water to warm it up. She told me I needed to shave when she scrubbed my armpits, I told her "Don't go there," and laughed when she fingered my asshole with a soapy hand. She warned me not to get soap up inside her pussy as it would sting. I used the hand sprayer to rinse shampoo out of her hair.

We were so spent that, after we got out, we dried each other and simply went and crawled into my bed, leaving the surfboards on top. We just cuddled up, naked and warm, and fell asleep. It was a few hours later that I heard the front door open and Mom and Darleen whispering. When they looked in on us, I watched them through slitted eyes.

"They make such a cute couple, like puppies cuddled up," Darleen said.

"Yeah, more than kissin' cousins," replied Mom.

Darleen put her arms around my mothers neck and whispered something in her ear, to which Mom said, "Well, we're more than kissin' sisters, I guess." Then they turned toward each other and hugged, then they kissed, a deep kiss. Next there were some giggles and they went down the hall.

A little later I woke up when I heard my mother moan and Darleen laugh. It was a few days before I realized what was really going on.

In the morning, I woke up when I heard the bathroom door down the hall close. The sun wasn't up yet, but it was light outside. I had an enormous morning hard-on. The toilet flushed and then Margo came back in and closed the door. She was naked.

I had been stroking myself, there was an obvious tent in the sheet. Margo walked up and pulled the sheet back, then giggled, "Well, you're happy to see me!"

"Oh yeah," I said.

Then she climbed onto the bed and knelt next to me. She grabbed my cock and stroked it twice before taking it into her mouth. She sucked and slurped around me as she bobbed up and down. Her warm wetness, the feeling of roughness from her tongue, her teeth slightly scrapping me was intoxicating. Twice she deep throated me, pushing her nose into the sparse dark curls at the base of my cock. Just before I came, she pulled my cock out of her mouth, but stroked me with both hands. Margo was looking at me when my first shot of morning cum sprayed across her face.

"Oh!" she said and, opening her mouth to take me again, I shot another rope of white slime through her lips and onto her tongue. Then she enveloped me as I finished emptying my sack into her mouth. White goo leaked out around her lips, she was breathing hard through her nose and this made a string of cum stretching from her hand to her eyebrow blow back and fourth before a wad of it disappeared up into her nose, only to be shot out again. She let my dong slide out of her mouth and showed me all the jiz I had filled her with. There was a pool on her tongue and more in the crevices around her tongue. Her face was wet with it and a large drop filled one of her nostrils, more strung across her eye. She closed her mouth and swallowed.

Then the door opened. We must have made quite a sight for my mother. The first thing she saw was Margo's ass sticking up in the air. Then she saw Margo, her face and hands (which were wrapped around my cock) covered with semen.

Mom stopped, her mouth agape, then, without saying a word, she stepped back and closed the door. Margo turned to me and laughed silently, I'm sure she was thinking about how she must have looked to my mom. Then she slid forward, smearing my cum off her face onto my chest as she moved. We kissed and laughed quietly.

I desperately needed to piss. A couple of minutes later, I got out of bed and looked out the door-all clear. I crept to the bathroom and emptied my bladder. I wiped the drying cum off of me with a towel, then headed back to my room. Darleen came out of my mother's room and stopped, looking at me. She was wearing a robe, I was naked. "Well, I can see why Margo likes you so much," she said as she brushed past.

I crawled back in bed with Margo and we cuddled for a few minutes before my mother opened the door again and stuck her head in. "If you two can come up for air, I'm making breakfast." Then to Margo: "you might want some tea to wash down your...ah...breakfast, dear."

We spent that day at Disneyland. It being a school holiday, it was really crowded but, because Mom and I know the place so well, we were able to eat at an out of the way place were there wasn't much of a line and, knowing how the crowd behaved, we were able to avoid standing in line too long. We had to give up on "Space Mountain" but "The Haunted House" wasn't too much of a wait. Margo attacked me in "It's a Small World" and we got more than a few curious looks, it's not often you see a 14 and 10 year old making out. Margo said that she liked "Bear Country Jamboree" most. That evening we sat on a blanket and watched the sun set behind the islands.

At dinner, Margo talked her mom into letting me teach her how to surf and, after the dishes were done, we all went down to the surf shops looking for a wet suit. Margo eventually chose a black one with hot pink accents on the sides, running from her ankles to her armpits. It clung to her skin-very sexy.

That night, once in bed, I licked her to a shuddering orgasm before moving up and taking her missionary style. Margo wrapped her legs around me as we gently rocked. Then, we rolled onto our sides, facing each other. Margo had one leg over my hip as we snuggled and kissed, still making love. I watched her face as she came, eyes closed, mouth parted, chin up, then she watched me as I filled her with semen. We stayed cuddled like that and fell asleep.

We were in the surf by nine the next morning and, by noon, Margo had had her first full ride standing up, from catching the wave out on the surf line until she could step off the board in ankle deep water. She is really very good.

We grabbed hotdogs on the pier and went back down to the sand to eat. That's when Darleen joined us. She pulled off her shirt and pants to revel a really sexy red bikini. She spent the afternoon on the beach watching us and reading. A couple of times she was on her feet after one of us wiped out. It was around 3 when we all headed home.

Margo showered first (Darleen used my mom's shower) and came out into the kitchen wrapped in a towel. I was putting together a snack of pepperoni and crackers, washing it down with coke. We sat on the balcony and fed each other, giggling about the crummy mess. Margo didn't move to cover herself back up when her towel fell open, even though anyone who looked up from the street could have seen her (we were on the third floor, however). I was still in my wet suit.

"My God, Margo, do you want the whole world to know what your cousin loves about you?" Darleen came out through the glass doors.

"Oh, Mom. Don't be such a prude. We're in California anyway."

Across the street, below us, my mother worked the minivan into a parking space.

"Hey, Mom's home," I said. She got out of the van and locked the door.

Margo jumped up and went to the railing, "Hi Aunty Janet!" she yelled down and waved.

Mom looked up and stopped.

At this, Darleen cracked up, then slapped Margo's naked butt, "Get your little ass in there before you get us all arrested you indecent little child!"

Margo giggled and ran past me into the apartment.

I wasn't sure what to say, so I just went in. Margo had disappeared into my room and was dressing when I came in, "Like the show."

"Oh yeah."

I grabbed some clothes. "My turn in the shower."

I heard the front door opening as I got to the bathroom.

We went out to dinner that night, then window shopping at a local mall. Darleen refused to buy Margo any clothes, there wasn't much that would work in Wisconsin when they got back. When we got back to the apartment we watched some TV. That's when things started to get a little uncomfortable. I guess Margo and I felt weird running off to bed together with our parents there, but then, it seemed that Mom and Darleen were waiting for something. Finally, about 10:30, Darleen said, "Bed time for you," to Margo and she went off to the bathroom to brush her teeth. About five minutes after I had heard my door close, I followed her.

That night, for the first time, I experienced 69. I slid between the sheets with Margo, her warm and smooth body was so nice against me. We cuddled and kissed for several minutes, even though my cock was rock hard between us. Margo was laying on top of me, her hips off to one side, as she first kissed my chin, then my throat, on each side, then my collar bones then each of my pecs, about two inches above my nipples. A shot went through me, almost painful, when she sucked on my nipples and I writhed under her. Next she kissed my solar plexus, then just below it on my stomach, then half way between there and my navel. The head of my cock had to be against her neck when she stuck her tongue into my belly button, the feeling was such a mix of tickling and pleasure that I had to push her away. She giggled, then shoved my dick into her mouth to the back of her throat. All I could do was groan.

I had left my desk lamp on, so I could watch her as she pushed my cock into her mouth, then pulled back. She licked my balls, then up the full length of my cock. She was straddling my right leg and was humping my shin, I could feel the smoothness of her pussy and the beginning of wetness as she looked me in the eye and then bit my cock head.


Margo giggled, then sucked me in. Then she started moving up and down on my schlong in earnest, breathing hard through her nose as she sucked hard on my tool. She was also humping hard against my leg.

She pulled out and looked at me, breathing hard, "Can you lick me while I suck you?"

We were quickly turned around, I had her pussy pushing down on my face as she deep throated me. Her little hairless pussy was so smooth to my tongue as I first licked, then sucked her clit. Once, when she deep throated me, I pushed my tongue into her vagina.

I had my hands on her thighs, then I reached up and pushed a finger inside of her. She pulled me out of her mouth and groaned, stroking me in time to my finger-fucking her lovely snatch. Then she took me back into her mouth as she pushed down on my face, crushing my head between her preteen pussy and the pillow. Again, I pushed my finger into her, but this time I used two and I worked my mouth up to her pussy also and ran my tongue around her stiff clit.

"OHHHhhhhhh." I felt her pussy shiver against my fingers and a rush of wet as she came, pushing back against me. Her orgasm vibrated through her, I felt her breaking out in a sweat as she grunted and pushed against me.

When it had subsided, she redoubled her efforts on my cock, repeatedly deep throating me while massaging my balls. My cock was deep inside her when I first blew my jez. She pulled back and held my head in her mouth as I fired more cum, I could feel her throat contracting as she swallowed my load. She didn't allow any to escape and, after I had totally emptied my nuts into her, she sank down on me, stretching her legs out. My head was cuddled between her thighs, my mouth was still on her pussy. Margo lay her head on my hip, my sinking dick still cradled in her mouth, she breathed around it.

We lay like that for quite a while and our breathing slowed. Later, Margo turned around. I remember kissing her and the slight taste of my semen. We both fell asleep and didn't wake until the front door closed when my mother left for work in the morning.

We spent that day in the surf also and had a great time. I saw several of my friends from school, a couple were surfing with us, and introduced them all to Margo. About 2 we went home.

I recognized my brother's Honda on the street before we went in, he was sitting in the living room talking to Doreen when we came through the door.

"Hey Mike, how's it goin'. Hi ya Margo, haven't see you for a couple of years." We exchanged pleasantries while Margo and I found a snack, then Margo went to shower.

"How's she doing on a board?" Steve asked.

"She's really good, just two days and you wouldn't know it."

We were sitting at the bar, so Steve could see down the hall over my shoulder. When I heard the bathroom door open, I turned around and followed his eyes. Margo came out wrapped in a towel and went into my room. We continued talking, then Steve looked a little surprised when Margo came out of my room and into the living room. I realized that he had just realized that she had dressed in my room.

"My turn," I said.

"Let me use the bathroom before you get in there." I watch as Steve went down the hall. He stopped for a moment and glanced in my room, then went on and closed the bathroom door behind him.

Margo came up to me and put her arms around my neck and we kissed, just a friendly peck. The door down the hall opened and Doreen looked up from her book. Steve gave me a very curious look as we passed in the hall.

That evening, Mom took us all out to dinner and, afterwards, dropped Steve and I off at the apartment as the "girls" wanted to go shopping. Things were kind of awkwardly quiet between Steve and I as we went up to the apartment.

Once inside, he raided the fridge for a beer, I turned it down-Mom doesn't feel comfortable about me drinking and I really don't like the stuff that much.

"Ok, Mikey, what's up with you and Margo?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you two look pretty friendly and Mom said I'm sleeping in my room. I thought Margo would be in there."

"No, she's bunking with me."

"Ah." He paused for a few moments, the music video droned on. "Ya know, you look kind of silly hanging on a ten-year-old."

"I don't care," I said. I really couldn't help but smile some.

"What the fuck! Are you fucking her?!"

"Go to HELL!"

"Jesus Christ Mike! She's just....holy shit, she's a kid!"

"I don't give a FUCK what you think!....and neither does she. So....just Fuck yourself!"

"Does Mom know?"

"Jesus man, Mom put us together. Doreen got her some sort of shot."

My brother was silent for a few moments as he tried to digest this.

"Damn Mike-she's a little girl... She doesn't even have any tits yet."

I jumped at him and landed a punch on the side of his head. He was sitting on one of the bar stools and pushed me off, landing me on my ass. He stood over me, fists clenched, breathing hard. There was no question in either of our minds that he could pummel me, he was still quite a bit bigger. We hadn't had a fight in years.

In that position, we both calmed down. He sat back down. "I'm sorry, that was a jack-ass thing for me to say. I'm sorry."

I lay on the floor, glowering at him as his face calmed, then a look of awe came over it.

"Jesus, Mike. You're in love with her, aren't you?"

This made me calm down too. After a pause I sat up, "Yeah....and she loves me too."

"How...." he paused, "you two have been.....sleeping together since you went out there this summer."


"That explains all the e-mail and cards," he said. We were quiet for a few moments, I stood up and went to the fridge-now I wanted that beer. "Mom's cool with this?"


He was quiet again for a while as I twisted the top off the beer and took a swig. "Well, ok." Over the next couple of hours, we almost killed the six pack between us, I had two, Steve had three.

When Mom came in, she looked at the empties on the coffee table, then at the bruise on Steve's cheek. She didn't say anything.

Margo came in and sat down next to me and took my hand. I pulled her on to my lap and kissed her. "Look what Mom bought me." She held up her hair to show me new ear rings. They were little silver surfers.

That night, in the morning, and again on Thanksgiving night, we made love quietly and slowly in my bed. The morning after Thanksgiving, I woke up with Margo laying on top of me, her head tucked under my chin. She had awoken me a few hours earlier and we had made love with her on top. Now the sun was up and, amazingly, my cock was still inside her. When I moved, there was an uncomfortable pulling, we were glued together. I lay still but, the thought of my sleeping for hours inside her, along with the warmth and softness of her against me, made my dick start to harden up again.

I started to move slightly, just a little bit back and forth. I was held firm inside her but I continued to grow. Deep in her preteen vagina, my head broke free and started to move, but my shaft was still glued to her lips. Margo shifted some, making some noises in her sleep, turned her head to the other side. I froze when she started to move. She started to snore quietly.

Again, I started moving inside her. I was amazed that she didn't wake up, then again, maybe she did and just feigned sleep. If she did wake up, she never admitted it, even when I asked her later that morning. I kept as quiet as I could, and moved as little as I could. My efforts to remain quiet caused me to have a unique and intense orgasm. My shaft never broke free from her tiny lips, but I pumped my sperm into her, filling the top of her vagina and, I am sure, pushing through the tiny opening into her womb. As my pulse slowed, I fell back asleep.

It was probably just a couple of minutes before Margo woke me up by kissing my neck.

"Ummm, good morning," she said.

We kissed, ignoring each other's morning breath. We wrapped our tongues around each other and cuddled close.

"I can't believe you're still in me," she said when she tried to lift up. The glue broke, "Oweee."

She rolled off to the side and pulled the covers off us, looking at my dick. My hair was matted and white with dried cum, but a pool was around my dickhead. Margo rolled onto her back, then reached down and felt herself. She hissed. "I think I'm going to be sore."

The door opened and I saw my brother's jaw drop open. He had to have a wonderful site of Margo's pussy, fully open for him to see. He closed it, then called from outside, "We have to get moving if were going to get to the party in Santa Barbara.

About an hour later, we were on the 405, heading north. Traffic was, as usual, stop-and-go. At the Ventura Freeway, we headed west, then got dumped on PCH, US 101. The drive up to Santa Barbara took about four hours, so it was lunch time when we arrived at Steve's girlfriend's house. The house is large, the front overlooks the ocean over the rooftops of other houses, a section of the city, and PCH. We were introduced to Monica, Steve's girl, and her brother, Bruce. Their parents were out. Most of the afternoon was spent sitting around the back yard, playing some badminton, and watching ESPN. The party was due to start around 6 at a "friend's house." We were going to spend the night at Monica's but, a little suspiciously; we had not been shown to rooms where we would sleep. Also, I had caught a bit of a conversation between Steve and Monica where I think she was objecting to his bringing Margo:

In a whispered voice (they didn't know I could hear) "I know, Mike's cool but,....that little girl?" Monica said.

"Don't worry, she's ok. It'll be alright." Steve said. Then the saw me and shut up, looking uncomfortable.

At about 5, the four of us piled into Steve's car and headed into the mountains. At about 6:30 we stopped at a McDonald's. Monica treated Margo in the condescending way that college girls treat grade schoolers (she had treated me the same at first, a few months ago) but warmed up to her as they got to talk more. It was 7:30 and dark when we pulled up in front of an old farmhouse.

There were about 10 cars and loud music was bumping from the house. We got out and walked up the stairs and across a veranda. Steve pushed the doorbell. The door was opened by a fellow, maybe in his early forties. He was fat, had a full grey beard and his hair (what remained below a pink scalp) went down to his shoulders.

"Hi Steve," he was holding a beer, "glad you could make it."

"Hi Dr. Roth, how was your Thanksgiving?"

"Oh, fine. Call me Phil, here. Who are your friends?"

"You know Monica, this is my brother, Mike (I told you about him) and this is my cousin, Margo." He paused. "Dr. Roth is my Bio-Chem professor."

He gave Margo a long look, then, "Well, come on in, the parties started without you."

The house was huge and the party was spread across all the rooms on the first floor and out into the back yard. I quickly snagged a beer from one of the many ice chests scattered about, Margo got a wine cooler, "Do you think it's all right?"

As the party went on, we played some fussball, I drank a couple more beers and Margo had at least one more cooler. There was a hot tub and a heated pool in the back, it wasn't long before it was full of naked people.

"Let's get in," I said.

Margo looked a little uncomfortable, "I don't know," she said.

"Oh, don't worry, it'll be fun. Like when we swam at the quarry."

With a smile, she pulled her top off, then stepped out of her jeans and shoes. As soon as she was stripped, she ran and dove into the water. I followed her as soon as I could. It was not too long after that we were in the hot tub with Steve, Monica, and a couple of other people, two girls and a guy.

By now it was getting late, after 11, and a lot of people had left. "If you're wondering, we'll be spending the night here. That was always the plan," Steve told us.

I nodded my assent through a beer and pulled Margo onto my lap, she sank against me, holding a long stem wine glass. The talk was mostly about the University, different classes and professors, we just listened.

After about 15 minutes, Margo had to "Answer the call" and climbed out. She didn't notice, but everyone's eyes followed her as she walked across the patio and into the house. When she was through the door, she stopped, realizing that she was naked and walking into a room full of clothed people, but then she shrugged and went on. A couple of minutes later she came back out and dropped into the tub, kissing me as she settled in next to me.

A little later, Phil came out of the house. He had been swimming earlier, so all he had was a towel over his neck and a small wooden box he was carrying. As I said earlier, he was fat, his white belly was covered with a lot of dark hair, the hair on his chest was mostly grey. He had a thick but short dick under an overhanging belly and between fat thighs. He was uncircumcised. The next day, I would have to explain the nature of that little bit of male anatomy to Margo.

Settling into the tub, he floated the box on a Styrofoam board, then asked Margo and I, "You two don't mind if we partake in a little herb?" He had a high, soft voice, much in character with his looks.

"Alright if I share?" I said.

He looked at my brother who nodded. "Of course." Then to Margo, "Have you ever done this before?"

Margo giggled (she was a little giddy), "No."

"Well, you're welcome to try, young lady. Just remember that, tonight, you're a grown up and you must keep secrets like a grown up." He paused as he opened the box and took out a bong, a lighter, then two bags, one had pot, the other was about half full of chunks of a greenish-brown plant.

Phil held it up for everyone to see. "This, my friends, is Chaute, a cactus not unlike peyote. It is used as a sacred libation by many of the Indians of Central Mexico. The scientific name is Ariocarpus Fissuratus. Some also call it Sunami, which is strange because it grows in the desert and far from Japan or tidal waves."

He lifted a chunk of it out of the bag, then ground it between his thumb and forefinger, the course brown powder fell into the bong. "Now, young lady," addressing Margo, "I see that you have wine there. May I use some?" Margo handed her glass across to him.

As he poured the red wine into the bong, he continued, "I have found that, if it is dissolved in a water pipe, then used as filter for some high quality grass, it provides one with a most extraordinary, but mellow, experience." He began packing the bowl with pot, then, again, he addressed Margo.

"Have you ever smoked before, young lady?"

"Nooo...." Margo answered, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Well, don't feel that you have to, but if you do, go slow, don't inhale a lot at first. It will burn your throat and lungs." He lifted the pipe, then lit it while taking several strong, short puffs. His head was surrounded by a cloud of smoke when he pulled it away and handed it to Monica. He was holding his breath, his eyes were watering. While she took a much less vigorous hit, he exhaled, then coughed slightly.

"I discovered this cactus two years ago while traveling in Mexico researching a unique strain of whopping cough among the Indians there. I have made it the object of some private research ever since." He took the bong back from Steve and refilled the bowl as he talked.

Next it went to one of the girls who was sitting between Steve and I, she gingerly inhaled the smoke, then passed it to her girlfriend, next to me. Jill was less demure and took two long, hard hits before handing it back to Phil for reloading.

"Dear, it seems we need a full reload," he said. Then looking at Margo, "Could I impose on you to go get the bottle you've been filling your glass from?"

Margo climbed out of the tub, again all eyes were on her, as she crossed to patio to a table and returned with the dark bottle. As she dropped back into the tub, handing the bottle to Phil, he commented to a guy next to him, "I do believe that the most exquisite example of the human form is the immature female."

He threw the contains of the bong over his shoulder into the grass, then poured wine into the body. This time he ground two cuttings from the cactus into the wine, then refilled the bowl. He sat up, sliding forward to hand the bong to Margo.

"Do you wish to partake?"

Margo took the pipe, then looked at me. "You first."

I held the bong while Phil held the lighter. The pot, filtered through the red wine, was actually very smooth, it just tickled my throat a little as I filled my lungs. I held the thick smoke for as long as I could, then blew it out. I held it up for Margo, "Here, just take a little. First breathe in a small breath, then put your mouth on it and slowly breathe in. Hold your breath for as long as you can."

We all watched her as she took her hit, she held the bong away and jerked a couple of times as she stifled a cough. Her eyes were running when she exhaled. I was surprised to see that her tears were a very pretty azure blue. She handed the bong back to Phil. He relit the pipe and took another enormous hit.

Margo leaned back against me, as she did, our bodies merged, her leg, across my thigh, became my leg, I could feel her heart beating in my chest, when her head pushed against my shoulder, the back of it sank into me. Then, I noticed that, in the woods behind the house, there were thousands of fireflies, each its own unique color, flying around. I put my arm across her chest and I could feel her heart beating in my hand.

The bong got back to us and Margo took a stronger hit this time, then handed it to me. As I took another dose, she lay her face on my chest and I felt as she melded in, then kissed my heart. The feeling of her lips against my heart was both exhilarating and scary-I'm sure that if she had chosen to bite it, she would have killed me. But then, I could feel what my heart felt like against her lips, so smooth, but strong, I could feel how she loved it and knew that there was no way she would hurt me.

She lifted up and we kissed. I blew the smoke out, into her lungs and felt them fill. Then she took the bong and inhaled deeply, finishing off the last of the weed in the bowl. I watched as the smoke filled her lungs, then spread through her body. She turned around and we watched the fireflies mix with the stars as the bubbles in the tub popped out new fireflies to join the stars.

Over the next while the pipe made a couple of more rounds. I took one more dose while Margo took two. Through the clouds of fireflies, I saw that Monica was on Steve's lap, facing away from him, moving up and down with a serine expression in her face. Next to me, Jill was sitting on the edge of the tub while the other girl was kneeling in front of her, tongueing her neatly trimmed blond bush.

Margo seemed to float up in front of me, then lower down and we merged, my cock sliding deep inside her. I looked down, it seemed that the water was perfectly clear and smooth, I could see with extreme clarity as her hairless preteen lips parted and admitted me into her sex. With her hands on my shoulders, she lifted, then lowered, I was not able to look anywhere other than at her as we fucked.

She must have cum three times as I watched, each time a red wave, starting at the meeting of our loins, would wash up and over her, even traveling out her hair to escape into space as small red flashes. Then I became aware of someone else. It was Phil, he was standing next to us, offering is thick cock to Margo.

She turned her head and took him deep into her mouth, as she slid him into her, her forehead pressed against his round belly. She stopped moving on me as she concentrated on our hosts' manhood, sucking him in and out of her face as he started to hump against her.

I heard a groan next to me and turned to see Jill kissing the other girl in a wet open mouthed way while the last fellow in the tub slammed his cock into Jill's ass, sinking a long, thin cock into her anus. I watched until Phil grunted and stated to pump gobs of his thick, white cum into my girlfriend's mouth. Margo swallowed the old man's jez hungrily while small droplets of white goo appeared at the corners of her mouth. He pulled her head back and looked down into her face, her mouth was open as she stared up, showing him her cum filled mouth. He hung his cock over her mouth and milked the last few stringy drops of semen into her, then she licked the bottom of his dick, cleaning it completely.

"My dear," he said, "later, if your boyfriend consents, I would like to fuck you properly. I've never had a child before (at least, not a young girl) I'm sure it's a most extraordinary experience." He then turned and walked to the fellow who was about to empty his load into Jill's ass and offered him his cock, which was greedily accepted.

Before he could empty his sack into the blonde's ass, the other girl pushed Jill away and sucked the shit-stained dick into her throat. Jill sat on the edge of the pool and masturbated as she watched the boy unload into her lover's mouth while sucking her professors cock. Meanwhile, Steve and Monica were doing a sixty-nine on the deck opposite me while Margo, again, turned her attention to me.

Again, with complete clarity, I could see my dick sliding in and out of her. Then, my vision passed through her and I could see my cock, deep in her vagina, moving up and down, pushing against her cervix, then withdrawing, only to slide back up to the top. A red glow started to develop around my cock as her orgasm (probably the tenth that evening) started to build. Meanwhile, I could see my cum, a blue churning mass, building behind my cock. As her red orgasm pulsated, building deeper and stronger, spreading to her belly and down the insides of her thighs, my blue semen grew a deeper color, then, suddenly, contracted to a single dazzling blue point only to explode up my cock which I drove hard against the top of her sex. As a tidal wave of red washed up Margo's trunk, down her legs, and out her arms, my blue semen flooded into her, pushing through the small opening and into her walnut sized womb, then to flow out the arches of her tubes to concentrate around the twin almond shaped ovaries. I pumped more blue semen into her which overfilled her little-girl sex, some floating off in the currents of the water, while more moved through her womb and into her belly. As the last of her red orgasm popped off the ends of her hair, little sparks escaping into space, my jez dissipated into a soft blue glow which filled her abdomen, becoming darker where my cock lay, still sheathed inside her.

I really don't remember much from the next couple of hours except that we moved inside. Then, Margo was spread on a low table where she was the focal point of everyone's attention. I remember watching Phil holding her ankles spread wide as he pushed his short, fat dick inside Margo's hairless cunt. Meanwhile, my brother, Steve, was on the other end of the table, where Margo's head hung off the edge, pushing his cock into her mouth and down her throat. Monica was kneeling next to the table, alternately licking Margo's bud nipples, then her pussy while I fucked Monica's ass. There was someone else, a blonde girl with a shaved pussy, videotaping the scene.

I could see that Margo was experiencing an almost constant orgasm as she writhed on the table. We all built to a momentous climax; first, Steve pulled his cock out of Margo's mouth and began to spray jez into her face, mouth and across her chin and throat. At the same time, Phil pulled out and shot thick ropes of cum across the ten-year-old's pussy and belly. I stood above her and fired my load onto my lover's chest.

As soon as the three of us had emptied our balls all over her, Monica started to lick the mixed cum off of Margo. Then the other girl joined in, frenching Margo's cum filled mouth while Monica lapped Phil's semen off of her pussy. Margo lay on the table panting, slowly recovering from the multiple fuck she had just experienced. Her skin was bright pink and flush with sweat. She was also covered with ropes and splashes of sperm. Her flat chest heaved as she recovered her breath.

"Quite an experience child," Phil said to her as he sat her up to face him. She kissed the older man, leaving some of my brother's semen in his beard. Phil looked at me, "Why don't you take your lovely little lover outside and wash her off in the tub. Then, you can stay in any of the bedrooms upstairs. I remember carrying her out to the hot tub. We sat and watched as two guys alternately gave each other blow jobs, first one sitting on the edge of the pool, then the other, standing, with the other kneeling in the water.

It must have been an effect of the drugs, but my cock was still rock hard and Margo hissed with pain when I tried to enter her again, but then, she turned around and sat down in me, taking my cock into her ass for the first time. I packed her behind and fingered her pussy as we watched the first guy spuge, then the second fellow blew his load at the same time that I came in Margo's ass. In the morning, when we woke in a strange room, my cock was still held in her anus.

Strangely, there was no hang over what so ever. It was 9:00 and we both felt wonderful. After I had pissed and washed a brown ring off the base of my cock, I went back to bed where Margo waited. We fucked again, this time with her on top, until my brother stuck his head through the door and told us breakfast was ready.

On the drive home, we talked some quietly in the back seat. Neither of up felt bad about what we had done the night before, but we agreed that we would never do it again. A little later, the four of us talked. Monica said that I was the first guy ever to put is dick up her ass, so I guess I popped two butt cherries that night. Steve told Margo I thought she was sexy (but not as sexy as Monica).

That night we spent hours making love, knowing that it would be weeks before we saw each other again. Margo cried a little, saying she would miss me terribly. I had to wipe away a couple of tears as I watched her and Dora enter security the next morning. I would be counting the hours until I saw her again at Christmas.